3D Model Settings

After uploading a 3D model into the VUFRAME® Studio, you can reprocess your model using different import configuration settings. You can find those settings in the Edit section of your 3D model.


Aura™ tries to scale the model correctly by default. If your model still appears to be too big or too small in AR, you can use the Scale import configuration. Using the scale property will scale your model always relative to the original file size. This means that processing it twice with a scale of 10 will make the model 10 times bigger than the original model, not 100 times.


Scale = 5: model will be 5 times bigger

Scale = 0.05: model will be shrinked to 5% of its original size, which makes it 20 times smaller effectively.


The 3 parameters for rotation import setting are for x,y and z rotation (in that order). The default axis orientation is y up, z back and x right.

Y Rotation

Rotating the model around the y axis will change the yaw angle. This configuration can be used if your model is not facing to the front correctly.

X Rotation

Rotating the model around the x axis will change the pitch angle.

Z Rotation

Rotating the model around the z axis will change the roll angle.

Gimbal lock

The rotation order is y, then x and then z. This means that when rotating the object around the y axis, the remaining axes will be rotated as well. Now the object will be rotated along the x axis. On certain angles (90 and 270 degrees) the z axis will be parallel to the original y axis. This phenomenon is called gimbal lock, and removes one degree of freedom.

Flip Axis

This configuration can be used when the handedness of models is not set correctly. By default, Aura™ imports and interprets the handedness of the file format correctly. However, if the model is exported with different settings, this configuration can be used to correct it.


To adjust the position of your model there are 4 options that can be applied to the three axis indipendently.

  • Original - keeps the original position of the axis

  • Center - centers the model to zero on the axis

  • Maximum - finds the maximum value in the model and sets the center of the scene to this point

  • Minimum - finds the minimum value and sets the center of the scene to this point



In some cases it can be helpful to to shift the models position to a certain amount. This can be achieved by using the offset parameters. Those parameters can be set for each axis independently. Note that unit is Meter. so by input a 1 into one of the three field the model is moved 1 meter in that direction. Negative values are possible as well an will move the model in the different direction.


Ground Shadow

To provide a better feel for the virtual room you can activate the Ground Shadow, which will provide you with a shadow on the floor of the scene, around your object.

Last updated