Share SmartVu®
Share your SmartVu® with your customers and colleagues.
Last updated
Share your SmartVu® with your customers and colleagues.
Last updated
The SmartVu® content is separated into two versions. There is always a draft version and live version of the content.
The draft version is for checking your latest changes to the content (automatic immediate release).
The live version must be manually released by the Vuframe® Studio user and alway represents as the latest version of your SmartVu®.
If the SmartVu® is unshared, this means the SmartVu® has not yet been shared and all the content remains in the draft version. Also the Share Changes button will not be displayed.
Share Changes releases the latest changes made to the SmartVu® whereas Share Now creates a share link for you to share.
Show your product to customers and colleagues by simply sharing your SmartVu®. Additionally, you can add a password protection for extra security.
To view the SmartVu® in the Vuframe® App or to share it with someone, you need to create a share link. This can be done via the SmartVu® Details Page.
Click on the widget tab Sharing on the SmartVu® Details Page that can be found on the left hand side of the page. Next click Share Now.
A Share Link is created for you to share with anyone. Click on View to open the Share Page. You can revoke access to the SmartVu® at any time by clicking Unshare.
Show your product to customers and colleagues by simply sharing your SmartVu®. Additionally, you can add a password protection for extra security.
Each shared SmartVu® is identified by its ShareCode. You can use several methods to get the ShareCode of a SmartVu®:
Extract the ShareCode directly from the Share URL. The Share URL uses a unique identifier called the ShareCode. (ShareCode: 4f95df85)
2. Use the SmartVu® Card on the Share Page
Click on the share button as displayed above. This will reveal the following screen from where you can copy the ShareCode.
Further, it's possible to view your SmartVu® in the browser. Open the SmartVu® Share Page and simply add "/embed" to the URL.
Share Link:<sharecode>
Vuframe® Web:<sharecode>/embed
Find an example here:
In order to view your models on the embed page in the browser, they need to be processed by our Aura™ pipeline. This feature can be used if you have uploaded your files in October 2019 or later.